Multi Retrosynthetic arrow

User 797caf4cd6

06-04-2012 09:05:44


I wish to draw a scheme with multiple retrosynthetic arrows. Could some one help me to construct a multi step retrosynthesis reaction scheme?



ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

06-04-2012 10:59:26


in the current Marvin version we do not support to draw multi step reactions, and since the Retroshyntetic arrow is a reaction arrow not a graphical one you can not do that currently.

This was the bad news, the good news is that we are working on to add various graphical arrows to marvin to at least support the drawing of multi step reactions, without complex computations. The Retrosynthetic  arrows is one of the developing arrow types, so in 5.10 you will be able to draw such reaction schemes.

I hope this can be suitable for you, this is the closest point that we can currently promise.

5.10 is being released in June according to our current schedule.

Thank you for your patience.


User 25d107bd42

13-04-2012 09:23:37

Hi, first I have a question here:

Does that mean, one more graphical arrow type will be added to the arrows menu ?

I refer to the actual suggestions in the topic

Equilibrium Arrow Problems


And a second reference concerning the arrow problems:

Resonance Arrows and Reaction Arrows are different things.


Regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

15-04-2012 08:32:29


The following new arrow types will be added for 5.10:

-graphical equilibrium arrow;

-graphical retrosynthetic arrow;

-curved arrow;

-dashed arrow;

-crossed arrow.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

16-04-2012 09:24:30

Hi Marvin developer, so I must continue our long discussion here:

First a documentation of the present status, Marvin 5.9.2.

In the first attached screenshot you see the inacceptable usage of the "Resonance Arrow". We had a very long discussion about this subject, I must repeat the link here:

 Resonance Arrows and Reaction Arrows are different things.

And at the end there were these sentences of Akos:

"Now I'm seriously considering your suggestion.
Since this topic opened there was no any objection here, so this might
mean that not too many users use resonance arrows in reactions... on the
other hand, I need more feedback to be sure, so I will ask some users
who frequently use reactions about their opinion.

In the second attached image there are the two (!) menus having arrow options. There is no need to have two menus. The arrows should have their own menu and only one.

In the next post, I will attach an optimized suggestion how to manage the arrow menues. It's important for the usage of Marvin in education to have a consistent and intuitive GUI.

Best Regards, Hans-Ulrich

The attached image of arrow menus has been deleted. April 23, 2012, HUW.

User 25d107bd42

16-04-2012 09:49:37

Hi, now attached an optimized version of the new Arrow menu.

The options mentioned two posts before are included.

Please, only one Arrow menu, to have two is rather confusing.

And please delete the wrong resonance arrow from the reaction arrow part. The option for this two headed arrow should only be in the graphical part.

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

Attached arrow menu image has been deleted. April 23, 2012, HUW.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

16-04-2012 20:19:27

Thank you for your suggestion, we will consider it as a
possible solution of organizing the arrows, however, I think we should keep the
original retrosynthetic arrow for the users who got familiar with it.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

16-04-2012 20:27:54

Hi Efi, sorry, I don't understand.

Do you mean the retrosynthetic arrow or the resonance arrow ?

The retrosynthetic arrow is in both menu parts.

And to have the resonance arrow in the reaction part is absolutely wrong.

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

16-04-2012 21:21:20

Oh. Sorry I meant resonance arrow. And I can see your point that: Resonance Arrows and Reaction Arrows are different things, however, I also have to consider the other users' needs who have been using resonance arrow from years.  All I can imagine now to separate the resonance arrow from the reaction arrows.

User 25d107bd42

17-04-2012 08:15:42

Hi Efi, I cannot agree, but let's make a compromise:

I have attached an arrow menu version 8 and I think, two points are important.

1) Now the "Two-headed Arrow" in the upper "Reaction Arrows" menu part has nothing to do with resonance. This "Reaction Arrows" type produces real reactions, just as shown in a post before in the "Naphthalin-Resonance-Crash" image. So the word "Resonance" is not acceptable in the upper "Reaction Arrows" menu part.

2) The original theme of this topic concerned the same problem. There was no possibility to construct a multi step retrosynthesis reaction scheme. And the same problem is for pi-systems having many resonance formulas,  e.g. the heptamethincyanin cation N\C=C\C=C\C=C\C=[NH2+]. Here there are at least 6 resonance formulas.

The Resonance Arrow has to be only in the Graphical Arrows menu section.

We need to have a correct MarvinSketch version for education in our chemistry campus. And we need it as fast as possible. Please manage the arrows toolbar just as in the attached version 8.

I have also added the "curved - dashed - crossed arrow" options you mentioned in the posts before. I think these should also be in this menu.

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

Attached menu version 8 image has been deleted. April 23, 2012, HUW.

User 25d107bd42

22-04-2012 14:20:10

Hi Efi,

I refer to the topic

Strange behaviour of pdf and color: monochrome ?

There you are announcing a new release Marvin 5.9.3 for the next week.

Will the arrow problems of this topic and the

 Equilibrium Arrow Problems

be solved in this new release ?

We really need it to start the next student course the next week.

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

22-04-2012 19:11:46

Dear Hans-Urlich,

Unfortunately, we are not ready with the new arrows yet. Besides that,
considering your suggestions and other user needs, we decided to
separate the original resonance arrow from the reaction arrows group. It
means the users will be able to  add and delete it by customization. To
do this a major rewriting  of this part of the code is needed.

The task "Strange behaviour of pdf and color: monochrome ?" is a
different issue, this bug could be fixed easily. There will be an 5.9.3 release due to other reasons, it was reasonable to  add
this bugfix too. If we have a stable test version including the arrows, I
can send it to you.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

23-04-2012 07:46:15

Dear Efi, let's make a priority list:

For our student courses producing organic synthesis protocols we need to have:

1) Graphical equilibrium arrow

2) Graphical retrosynthetic arrow

This is essential and I refer once more the following topic at the end:

Equilibrium Arrow Problems

And I think, this is only adding these two graphical arrow types more. I think it could be done soon.

3) The renaming of the already present <-> arrow types, as shown in the attached version 9, is a correction of the notation of this menu. These wrong notations are not a hindrance and we could alert the students about it.

As already asked in an other topic of me: May I have a look in the MarvinSketch code, as a long time JAVA programmer

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

PS: I will delete my menu images in the earlier posts in this topic.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

25-04-2012 08:21:15

Dear Hans-Urlich,

I understand your priorities. And we can make the changes you suggested on the arrow panel, however, the file representation  of the arrows will not be changed.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

25-04-2012 12:42:57

Dear Efi, that's a really good decision !

The arrow type in the mrv-file  <reaction><arrow type="RESONANCE" is not to be seen by GUI users and so we can use MarvinSketch for student courses without problems. And users of the command line Marvin programs still have their familiar procedures they are using long time.

And now we are looking for the two new Graphical Arrow types

1) Graphical retrosynthetic arrow 

2) Graphical equilibrium arrow

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

26-04-2012 15:28:57

Hi Hans-Urlich,

I have just sent you a mail.

Best Regards,


User 25d107bd42

13-06-2012 18:20:21

Hi Efi,

having now 5.10.0 these old problems have gone and the bugs are fixed, see attached screenshot.

Thank you.

Best regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

13-06-2012 18:45:50

You are welcome.  Thank you for the screenshot, it is always nice to see that it works!

Best Regards,
