User 3d7989d1a7
28-05-2010 14:45:12
I have worked on creating the GUI customization I want for
my students. However, I have
run into problems, some of which are probably me, others may be bugs.
1. I
am using Mac OSX 10.6.3, Java 1.6.0_20-b02-279-10M3065, marvin 5.3.3
2. I
have moved the marvin directory out of MarvinBeans and into a directory related to the programs I am
writing. The programs themselves
are set to link to that marvin directory for the applet to run and it
successfully does so.
3. I
have done the customization process in iterations, at each step copying the
customization file in .chemaxon/5.3.3 with a new name. That leaves me with an iterative backup
in case of errors.
4. I
am using the Marvin configuration.
5. I
find that the simple template (rings) is not checked in the view menu, though
it is visible and can be used.
Using that menu to turn it on or off changes nothing.
6. Using
view>customization>simple template does allow me to turn off any of the
rings, though it has no actual affect on the canvas. They are all still on.
7. Adding
the rings I want to the tools toolbar puts icons there, but they are inactive.
8. I
frequently have issues with icons I install on toolbars being inactive. Other times they are active. (Another reason for the iterative
exercise described above.)
So at this point I have a customization.xml file and a
variety of change files under different names in 5.3.3.
Your directions now say to move that file to be “beside the
MarvinSketch applet”. In the
marvin directory, I find no jar file named MarvinSketch. The only MarvinSketch I find on
the disk is the whing is not a web applet as far as I can
But I am assuming that you want me to put my customization
file in this marvin directory. I
am also assuming that since I will call it with the menuconfig parameter, I can
name this configuration file anything I want to, as long as my name and the
menuconfig name are consistent.
I am attaching two files. The script I am using, and the customization file I have
What am I doing wrong?