Static archive of the old forums. Please visit our Support Portal
Topic | Posts | Author | Date |
Installation problem | 1 | User a44c3fa323 | 16-12-2016 02:01:29 | linux installatoin | 1 | User 43e34add4c | 14-12-2016 10:50:51 |
Drawing software | 1 | User 0334baf9a5 | 11-09-2015 09:34:05 |
JChem Cartridge - ASP example | 1 | ChemAxon abe887c64e | 10-06-2014 12:48:19 |
Code for correcting v2000 whitespace corruption | 1 | User df45d8e8bc | 16-05-2014 14:47:44 |
Arrange my monomer dictionary in a uniform way | 1 | ChemAxon 25dcd765a3 | 21-10-2013 15:14:50 |
How to create a Molecule from SelectionMolecule? | 1 | ChemAxon 25dcd765a3 | 28-08-2013 08:52:57 |
remove reacting center | 1 | ChemAxon 25dcd765a3 | 10-07-2013 11:49:09 |
SMARTS searches | 1 | User 15d0f05125 | 04-01-2012 15:56:24 |
New MDL Maccs 166-bit key/fingerprint generator | 2 | User df45d8e8bc | 28-09-2011 01:03:59 |
translate first atom to the origin | 1 | ChemAxon 25dcd765a3 | 27-09-2011 20:01:22 |
New HierS scaffold analyis library released with source code | 1 | User e469f67125 | 30-06-2011 15:52:54 |
Relational database mirror of PubChem BioAssay. | 1 | User 121285d3c7 | 26-10-2010 13:45:52 |
Chemical Images in Excel via JChem | 1 | User 121285d3c7 | 09-09-2010 18:37:57 |
Safari extension for | 3 | ChemAxon b124dd5f17 | 05-08-2010 10:49:38 |
chemaxon on the go | 1 | User 568550d85a | 01-04-2009 13:52:47 |
Exporting Images from Marvin using c sharp .NET via Caffeine | 1 | User 121285d3c7 | 11-06-2008 20:13:36 |
MarvinView and MarvinSketch in MediaWiki | 1 | ChemAxon b124dd5f17 | 27-05-2008 17:06:34 |
Teaching material for a course of chemoinformatics | 1 | ChemAxon b124dd5f17 | 14-10-2007 17:02:31 |
counting contiguous atoms | 1 | User 870ab5b546 | 29-06-2007 17:07:45 |
pKa workarounds | 1 | User 870ab5b546 | 05-03-2007 18:48:52 |
Script for converting ChemAxon binary fingerprint to decimal | 1 | User a8e6cc7b1c | 16-02-2007 19:20:49 |
using marvin in Ajax | 3 | ChemAxon 0a9e2a55e1 | 10-11-2006 11:01:04 |
Pipeline Pilot plugins for ... | 1 | ChemAxon b124dd5f17 | 03-10-2006 00:19:30 |
reaction contribution | 2 | User 870ab5b546 | 27-09-2006 18:54:18 |
Quatfit algorithm | 1 | User 65315e6b18 | 06-09-2006 08:31:39 |
chair flip | 1 | User 870ab5b546 | 06-08-2006 23:04:26 |
set dihedral angle about a bond | 4 | User 870ab5b546 | 02-08-2006 05:22:30 |
convert mol files into image as a batch program | 14 | ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf | 26-06-2006 19:14:21 |
scripts for extracting nearest neighbour + its reference | 1 | User f52820d97e | 22-03-2006 09:56:35 |
Open Source chemical inventory based on JChem | 2 | User 6f8a115fc5 | 13-11-2005 21:22:27 |
GNF - HierS: clustering for analyzing HTS results | 5 | ChemAxon 43e6884a7a | 16-06-2005 14:15:50 |
Shortest paths | 1 | ChemAxon efa1591b5a | 30-03-2005 11:58:48 |
Dihedral angle calculator | 6 | ChemAxon efa1591b5a | 30-03-2005 11:22:47 |
Custom Fingerprint Implementation | 1 | User dd927d9978 | 25-11-2004 14:52:02 |
Chat tool based on Marvin | 8 | ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf | 02-11-2004 13:17:53 |
Displaying molecules using onmouseover events | 1 | ChemAxon fa971619eb | 06-10-2004 09:05:09 |
little class to manage xml standardization file | 1 | User 781a908cdf | 02-09-2004 09:55:30 |
using jchem with jython | 2 | ChemAxon a3d59b832c | 26-07-2004 08:25:13 |
Functional group tester code. | 1 | User 07eebf78ca | 10-07-2004 01:16:05 |
Welcome to contribute | 1 | ChemAxon b124dd5f17 | 01-06-2004 10:29:25 |