User 2dfc6cbd47
30-11-2012 12:15:32
When we search a molecule with Jchem Web Services, the research is made on the Jchem molecule table. How search on our molecule table ?
Have you an idea to solve this problem ? Links or guidance ?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Best regards,
ChemAxon 6c76bc6409
30-11-2012 12:29:33
Hi Aurore,
JChem Web Services - and ChemAxon tools in general - can only perform structure searches (substructure/similarity/etc... search with a molecule) on JChem structure tables. You need to import your molecules and any additional data into a JChem structure table.
To import your molecules, you can use the AJAX manager or through the SOAP API using the DataManipulationWS's importStructures operation.
This structure table can contain calculated fields - referring to your question from Wednesday.
User 2dfc6cbd47
30-11-2012 14:58:47
astracz wrote: |
Hi Aurore,
JChem Web Services - and ChemAxon tools in general - can only perform structure searches (substructure/similarity/etc... search with a molecule) on JChem structure tables. You need to import your molecules and any additional data into a JChem structure table.
To import your molecules, you can use the AJAX manager or through the SOAP API using the DataManipulationWS's importStructures operation.
This structure table can contain calculated fields - referring to your question from Wednesday.
Cheers, AndrasĀ
Thanks for your response.