What is the path for jchem web service file license

User dd07aa546a

20-11-2012 16:42:08


I have a free license for jchem web services ,and i finished installing correctly.

when i try to display the examples, a message asks  the license

No license file found.
Product name: Web Services Server
License path:
Please contact sales _at_ chemaxon.com to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit: http://www.chemaxon.com/acpack_conditions.html />Press OK to reload the application


I put the license file in a directory named chemaxon at the same path with tomcat, example, doc and bin,does not improve

is that the right path ??????

thank you for help

ChemAxon e07e2a364b

22-11-2012 10:33:37

Dear User "madani",

   The license file, must be placed in a (.) chemaxon directory which is created in the user's home directory. On windows 7 and linux this means C:\Users\USERNAME\chemaxon and /home/USERNAME/.chemaxon respectively.

  You can find a detailed description here: http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/help/licensedoc/installToServer.html