reladmin.html dont work

User 5d2285c42a

03-07-2012 14:02:04

I try to use reladmin.html and create some relation between tables but there are some error messages that I dont understand. Is that a JDK version problem?(I'm using  JChem 5.10 with JDK7)

ChemAxon e07e2a364b

03-07-2012 14:16:08

As far as I understand this error message related to a known problem in JChem Web Services. Could you write me more details about the usage scenario?



User 5d2285c42a

04-07-2012 01:25:17


I install a MySQL 5.5.24 server with JDK 7u5 on a Win7, all of them are x64 version.  After this I instrall jchem web service 5.10.0 and  use jchem management to import molecule data. Finally I create other relation table by myself. The ajax example works prefectly on my Win7  and MacOSX, but the reladmin.html didnt worked  on both of these machines and   show the same error messages.

Sorry for my poor english and I hope you can understand.              

Thx a lot                                                                                      

ChemAxon e07e2a364b

05-10-2012 13:09:37


   the relational services are broken. We are working on the patch. They will be available most probably in 5.11.3.
