Problem getting a connection with Web Services 5.10

User 1abb59587f

29-06-2012 10:36:06

I have just installed Web Services 5.10 on a Windows Server 2008. The Web Services are running on the same machine as SqlSever. I use the following code to try and make the connection ( c#)

The code is being run from my development machine.(Windows 7) 

I set the WebServices up in my app as "Old Style" Web Services I have no problem seeing the WSDL from  this machine in the browser.


The values I use for driver, URL etc come from my connection to JChem Manager which works fine..


string driver = "";

string url = @"jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=CompoundDev;SelectMethod=cursor";

string propertiesTable = "JChemProperties";

string username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"];

string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"];

ConnectionWS connectionWS = new JChemConnectionWebReference.ConnectionWS();




string connection = connectionWS.getConnection(driver, url, username, password, propertiesTable);

When I execute it I get the following error:


"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"}


I don't know where the come from.

If I can get this to work I then need to insert a molecule. Here is the code for that:



DataManipulationWS manipulationWS = new JChemDataManipulationWebReference.DataManipulationWS();



string structureId = manipulationWS.addStructure(connection, structureTableName, molecule, null, null);

my question here is the first argument to addStructure is looking for a "connectionHandlerId" is that something different from the connection I plan on passing in?

If anyone has a code snippet of a working example I would grestly appreciate it. As always I am up against a deadline.

Thanks in Advance,

Bob Trucchi

ChemAxon e07e2a364b

03-07-2012 14:07:38

Dea Bob Trucchi,

   The AXIS2 1.4.x try to bind the first available port available on the machine. The IP address is the address of one of your interface cards. If you want to specify different address, uncomment and edit the line

<parameter name="hostname" locked="true"></parameter> 

in the file: \tomcat\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\conf\axis2.conf.


Let me know if this help!