bad totals reported for importStructures from getProgress

User b9af0b6947

25-04-2012 20:48:47

Jchem Web Services 5.8.0

When I use import structures with a 2000 record SD File and check it with getProgress the last progress I get back says: "Importing structures to table 'xxx' ... processed: 1286, imported:1268; duplicates: 17, empty: 0"  and 1975 structures are actually imported into the table.  Is there a way to make these numbers accurate or a way that I can get numbers that are accurate during the import?



ChemAxon e07e2a364b

29-04-2012 11:14:13

Dear Josh,

   Such strange behavior can be caused by incompatibility of SD file. As we contiously improve our products, could you try with the latest version (5.9.3) of JChem web-service, please? If the problem is still exists, please send us more information about the problem: Can you share the problematic SD file? Which tool used to generate the file?Which molecules were not imported? Are the rest of the molecules imported properly?

User b9af0b6947

30-04-2012 14:25:14

I will likely not have a chance to try the updated version for a week or two.  I am going to try a work around today which should get us close enough to where we need to be.  I can share the SD File.  I will share it after I have tried the updated version.

The actual molecules all imported correctly, the progress just reported the amounts incorrecty. 


ChemAxon e07e2a364b

12-05-2012 07:04:28

Dear Josh,

   Have you managed to fix the problem or you need further assistance?