User 3d3f3767a2
03-08-2011 06:44:02
I am trying to understand how to simply grab the details for a structure using the cd_id. I realize there are ways to search by structure, but I really just want to lookup a structure in the database, retrieve information such as smiles, etc. and any custom columns (similar to if I did "SELECT * FROM structures WHERE cd_id=x" on a local database).
Am I missing something obvious? I only ask because this seems like a relatively common use case.
Thanks so much,
User c1ce6b3d19
03-08-2011 08:00:24
With web services, this is most easily done with a call to runCompleteSearch in JChemSearchWS.
You should use the following parameter values:
queryMolecule - blank
queryOptions - include a where clause (e.g. "filterQuery:select cd_id from molecule where cd_id = 42")
outputFormat - smiles
dataFieldNames - include all the parameters you want (e.g. "columnName1 columnName2 ... columnNameN").
User 3d3f3767a2
03-08-2011 15:50:48
Thanks so much, that will do perfectly. Any plans to add this as a top level API function?
User c1ce6b3d19
05-08-2011 08:01:17
I'm not sure what you mean to add as a top level API function. Can you please explain more?