SADI services for ChemAxon software

User 20757c93f1

19-08-2010 12:04:11


at the ACD RDF Symposium in Boston from 22nd to 23rd August 2010, Leonid Chepelev will talk about "Semantic envelopment of cheminformatics resources with SADI".

In the abstract of the talk it is mentioned that:

"Our eventual goal is to convert all of the functions and
functionalities of the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) into distinct SADI
services. This would enable the formulation of all cheminformatics problems
currently addressed by CDK, as SPARQL queries, returning meaningful RDF output
which can then be easily integrated with existing RDF−based knowledgebases or
used for further processing."

Does ChemAxon provide a similar integration for SADI for the ChemAxon toolkit?



User c1ce6b3d19

23-08-2010 09:25:24


At present time, we do not have integration for SADI for the ChemAxon toolkit. 

How would you like to use the SADI framework?



User 20757c93f1

23-08-2010 12:28:59

jlee wrote:

How would you like to use the SADI framework?

See Chen et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:255

User c1ce6b3d19

26-08-2010 06:24:39

We'll look into this and post here if we decide to pursue this technology.

