Why error

User ec4ea2cf9b

08-04-2010 13:19:02

Help to see

User c1ce6b3d19

08-04-2010 13:57:35



Sorry, I do not understand your problems. Can you please explain what you are trying to accomplish.


Please send the entire php file and the entire php response that the soap request returns.  What server are you trying to reach?  Is it a local server?



User ec4ea2cf9b

08-04-2010 14:06:53

I would like to use php to build a site now is to imggen.php into the root directory, but they reported the error, is not / axis2/services/MolConvertWS? Wsdl configured wrong. / Axis2/services/MolConvertWS? Wsdl how to write this configuration file should be, please enlighten

ChemAxon ebbce65bcf

08-04-2010 14:16:57

Probably there is no problem with the wsdl. Please, show us your PHP file, and the entire Response section of the ERROR message.



User ec4ea2cf9b

09-04-2010 01:04:13

My php file is the test from inside your project file out of imggen.php

ChemAxon ebbce65bcf

09-04-2010 07:12:57

And didn't you modified it? I am wondering why a ChemAxon site returns in the HTTP response (seemingly), when you are calling the webservice. I would like to see the entire response to be sure. Anyway I have further questions. Do you have an interpreter for PHP? Are you able to execute a 'Hello world' PHP file at the same place where imggen.php can be found, and does it work well? What happens if you simply type


to your browser's address bar?

