Garbled Images Generated by JChem Web Services

User c91b2283c1

09-03-2010 15:19:23


It looks like administrators deleted a thread that I created detailing a problem regarding unreadable letters in structure images. The problem is unresolved and I am curious as to why this thread was deleted.

If it was moved to another forum, please let me know where it was moved so that I can continue to consult it while I continue to try to work on this problem.

Please note that I will not be able to deliver a project with garbled letters in structure images so this is a serious issue.


-John David

User c1ce6b3d19

09-03-2010 16:51:32

John David,

I moved the old topic to the Marvin Forum, which is a more appropriate forum for the subject matter.  Sorry, I thought that it would have an automatic notification. 

The moved topic is here:



Jonathan Lee