User 9f246fa673
07-10-2016 18:51:09
We have SQLServer with a JChem 5.11.2 database. I have regenerated the chemistry table using JChemManager64 version 16.9.26. Using the latest REST Web Service (19.9.5) from Chrome with this url:
I get this error:-
{"errorCode":0,"errorMessage":"This table needs to be regenerated for the current JChem version. Contact your administrator!","rootCause":"java.lang.IllegalStateException"}
I got the same message before I did the regeneration.
I have restarted the Tomcat server.
I have tried single and double quotes around the SMILES to no effect.
Without the structure search things work e.g.:-
gives back a screed of JSON, so the connection is good.
Any ideas?