Deploy new REST web service and keep old SOAP web service.

User 773d472e7f

14-06-2016 09:35:46

Hi ChemAxon,

I have a Windows Server 2012 running JChem 6.2.2 MySQL database and SOAP webservices.

In addition I now want to install REST web services without breaking the old SOAP web services.

Please would you provide instructions/guidance for me.

Many Thanks


Bernard D'Alwis

ChemAxon 13811e1703

14-06-2016 11:59:12

Hi Bernard,

The REST web services can be deployed to another instance of application server on the same machine without any problem. So I recommend to install Jetty or Tomcat, serving http or https on a free server port and deploy JChem Web Services there. You can find detailed isntallation guide here: />

User 773d472e7f

14-06-2016 12:52:26

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the advice, I'll proceed with the instructions.

