User b04c6ac5ea
03-08-2015 13:12:51
Instant JCHEM version: 6.2
In order to modify the list of dev projects and update the old host name (uk1us00003) for ukdev605 (CODS database) to new host name (uk1salx00269) I mapped a drive to below share where the ijs and .zip folders are stored for each dev/prod project.
I need to edit the .ijs files to include the new jost name as shown above. There are about 200+ files that need updating. I had a go at updating 1 .ijs file and got prompted to 'SAVE AS'. is there an easier way to update all 200+ .ijs files without having to SAVE AS in another location? There is a corresponding .ijp file that needs the version updated for IJC client to pull updated information to their machines.
Below is an example .ijs file that needs modification:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<comment>Generated by ChemAxon Auto-upgrade tool. Do not edit.</comment>
<entry key="database.schema">IJC2</entry>
<entry key="database.username">827PhcS1APyXbRzuzTs=</entry>
<entry key="database.url"></entry>
<entry key="">ace2_gskchem</entry>
<entry key="database.password">827PhcS1qG2fU/oWqgVHvQfhsnJygw==</entry>
<entry key="">0A0ACC89DAC6BDAB295016D378DCA788</entry>
<entry key="database.driver">oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</entry>
<entry key="showoptions.ijc.username">ALWAYS</entry>
<entry key="showoptions.db.username">DEFAULT</entry>
Example of .ijp file - version number needs changing for users to pull new data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE prj_configuration PUBLIC "//IJC//DTD Shared Projects 1.0//EN" "">
/><!-- codebasename must be global in local copy on user machine -->
<prj_configuration version="1" >
<!-- url is either relative to codebase name or global if contains http:// -->
<prj url="" name="ace2_gskchem" version="1"/>