Web services return 404 error when https directive used

User 8a9a72ee72

04-05-2015 16:50:40

I am trying to integrate the Chemaxon webservices into our own (Innocentive) web application.  I have already integrated Marvin for JS,  but specifically need to integrate the webservices to use the molExport web service to support uploading different file formats.

I know the web services are working, because when I manually issue the URL 'http://devici1.innocentive.com:8080/webservices/rest-v0/util/calculate/molExport' into my browser, I get the following:{"errorCode":3,"errorMessage":"Structure cannot be null!","rootCause":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"}

In this case, I'm not concerned about the error message, it was just an easy way to determine that the web service was found and processed.

However,  when the web service is requested within my application, it is automatically converted to the following:

https://devici1.innocentive.com/webservices/rest-v0/util/calculate/molExport  which returns a 404 not found error. 

So, the webservice is found if http is issued, but not found when https is issued

I've looked through the httpd and tomcat configurations, but do not see anything that looks wrong.  Certainly, our Innocentive AtWork application has no problems going from http to https.  My preferred solution is to have these webservices be found and responded to when an https directive is issued, any help would be very much appreciated.

marvinjs is 15.1.12

webservices are

User 8a9a72ee72

04-05-2015 20:36:27

I was able to resolve this via Apache configuration, I had forgotten to set up for the new war file.