Gigabytes of debug statements

User 3d3f3767a2

17-04-2015 18:38:25

Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know that in the latest version of JChem REST web services, the app is printing out an enormous amount of debug statements. I imagine I can configure this with tomcat (does Jchem use log4j?), but just thought you should be aware.

The statements look like this:

14:24:24.622 [http-bio-8080-exec-15] DEBUG c.j.w.m.c.CachingFieldCalculator - invalidate keys: [struc_moldb_molecules_153884]

as well as this:

14:24:26.426 [http-bio-8080-exec-15] DEBUG c.j.w.m.c.CachingFieldCalculator - invalidate keys: null

It's generating about 10GB an hour when inserting structures.



ChemAxon 13811e1703

22-04-2015 07:20:27

Hi Craig,

The web services is using logback for logging. The configuration file is inside the war, and you can modify it in the exploded application, however it will be overwritten on a new deploy.
You can find it on path:

 Just remove all <logger></logger> entries, and the configuration will fall back to log only warnings and errors.

Also it is possible to define another configuration file as jvm arg:
