User 873a9ae9d0
24-04-2014 23:44:42
I want to perform a substructure search using a molfile as input. The search should stop after finding 100 hits (i.e. should not be forced to run to completion). The search should return in maximum 100 hits. The search should stop executing after 2 minutes. Finally the search should return cd_ids together with cd_structure IN MDL SDF (not marvin doc) format.
How do my json has to look like in my post request to the chemaxon rest api webservice ?
Hope one can help. I already tried all kind of parameters , but since it seems that the only doc for the rest api is the 'Getting started' doc right now and this doc do only cover the very basics for searches via the rest api, I am kind of helpless. Any feedback that gets me away from pure guessing of parameters is highly appreciated.
Best regards