User 773d472e7f
15-04-2014 08:33:10
Dear Chemaxon,
I have installed the REST webservices on:
WS2012 (64bit) | MySQL | JChem 6.2.1 | REST Webservices | 16GB RAM
The mysql jchem database contains over 21 Million distinct compounds. I have demonstrated that it is possible to do substructure searches on this database.
I now need to limit the time the searches take and optimise the searches.
Question 1: Please advise where I can find a comprehensive list of search options that are available for the REST web services. For example is there are "MaxTime": 1 search option for limiting the time of a search?
Question 2: I have shown that it is possible to allocate 7500m cache and 9000m cache and return search results in both cases. Is there any advantage with a larger or smaller cache with regard to search speed or to performance of concurrent searches?
Many thanks