Web Services License Error

User 773d472e7f

11-03-2014 12:02:47

Dear chemaxon,

I have a problem with websercives licensing:

I have set up a (SOAP) webservices server:

Windows Server 2012  |  JChem (64bit) 6.2.1  |  JChem SOAP webservices 6.2.1

I have placed the license files in the ..\chemaxon\licences folder.

Everything installed and runs fine via the gui tools

I have used the licence gui to check the licences and confirmed that the webservices licenses are installed and valid.

However when I try to access the webservices I get the licensing error ar in the following:


Please advise

Kind regards


Bernard D'Alwis



ChemAxon 13811e1703

11-03-2014 12:41:45

Hi Bernard,

The license file(s) should be in the
folder, where HOME_PATH is the home directory of the user who is running the web service's app server/service

Please check if you have it there.


User 773d472e7f

11-03-2014 15:14:02

Hi Peter,

This solved it.

