User 8490085d56
03-03-2014 06:36:16
I use the newest version 6.2 of the webservices and jcman. I have created new database and initialized it via jcman. After the successful import to the table I've just created I've got this message while calling to the webservices (http://localhost:8080/webservices/rest-v0/data/mydb/table):
{"errorCode":1,"errorMessage":"ERROR: column \"entry_key\" does not exist","rootCause":"SQLException","rootErrorMessage":"ERROR: column \"entry_key\" does not exist"}
I have manually added entry_key via jcman and reimport data. After that got this error
{"errorCode":1,"errorMessage":"ERROR: column \"entry_scope\" does not exist","rootCause":"SQLException","rootErrorMessage":"ERROR: column \"entry_scope\" does not exist"}
I have manually added entry_scope via jcman and reimport data. After that got this error
What should I do to make it work?
PS. SOAP call gives this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: chemaxon.jchem.base.persist.PersistenceException: The structure table contains newer data version that this program version can handle. Please use a later version.
ChemAxon d4fff15f08
03-03-2014 10:13:03
Hi Alexander,
All these errors could be caused by the issue described by the SOAP error message:"The structure table contains newer data version that this program version can handle. Please use a later version."
Could you please double check whether you are using the same versions for table creation and webservice?
User 8490085d56
03-03-2014 10:26:18
Hello, Norbert!
Yes, I have checked the versions of webservices war and jcman used to create tables twice (also I've tried to create a new database and init it with the new version of jcman).
jcman shows "JChem Manager 6.2.0". Don't know how to figure out the version of webservices but I used the latest war downloaded from the Chemaxon web-site.
Also could you please clearify: SOAP Webservices will not support new data structures from JChem 6.2?
ChemAxon 13811e1703
03-03-2014 11:29:39
Hi Alexander,
For the JChem REST Web Services error, can you send us the log file? Location:
%CATALINA_HOME%/logs/chemaxon.log (in case of Tomcat) or you should find the logs directory somewhere near the application server binaries.
The columns listed in the error messages are for metadata, and you should not create them manually. Also we need information on the version, you can check it by a GET request to the web services base url, which is:
(like: )
User 8490085d56
05-03-2014 18:23:50
Thank you for response!
I have checked GET /rest-v0 and it was blank. The problem was in the Tomcat version. After upgrading to Tomcat7 I have fix the problem.