User 6d24b35814
09-12-2013 10:50:13
JChem 6.1.2
Linux CentOS release 5.9 (Final)
MySQL mysql-5.6.14
I've set up the JChem webservices and can run the example python scripts under webapps/webservices/docs/pythonExamples against the example ChEBI database.
However when I try to run chemistry searching queries against a JChem manager database that I've set up myself I get the errors in the attached file. I can connect to my database and get the information about the structure table etc using eg GET /rest-v0/data/{dbConfigName}/table/{tableName}
but the structure searching doesn't work. It seems to be a problem loading the cache? The database itself only contains 500K compounds and I've allocated loads of memory ( -Xms2048M -Xmx6144M ) to the tomcat jvm.
Kind regards
ChemAxon e07e2a364b
10-12-2013 16:07:38
Does the jcman and WS have exactly the same version? If you create an empty db (dbsettings, init, finally import), does it have the same problem?
ChemAxon e07e2a364b
16-12-2013 21:51:49
There was a change in the jchem database format between the version 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. This cause similar problem typically, which can be fixed by regenerating the database. This is normal behavior, although the error message should be clearer. If you want to use only the sample database, probably the easiest solution is to delete the ws-config.xml and the ws-db folder, then the new version of the database will be extracted and configured.
User 6d24b35814
17-12-2013 09:25:21
So the JChem manager version is 6.1.2 and the webservices download is webservices-6.1.0-b917.
So do I need to install a previous version of JChem manager for it to work?
User 6d24b35814
20-12-2013 08:59:00
I downloaded and installed the webservices for 6.1.2 - and yes it does now work, thanks!
Kind regards