User 867bf5be52
21-11-2013 09:55:49
I'm using marvin4js and now I want to connect it to webservices deployed in tomcat. Tomcat is behind Apache connected through ajp . Both marvin and webservices have their licences in right places.
When I try to follow your example:
to convert structure from editor to smiles, I always get the blank response(200 but blank), not a json with data.
When I go to /webservices/rest-v0/util/calculate/molExport in my browser I get
{"errorCode":3,"errorMessage":"structure cannot be null!","rootCause":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"}
which is fine, because I'm not sending any additional data, at least I know, the request is targeting right place.
When I tried to deploy simple hello world example to my tomcat and view it through apache, it is also fine. So the problem is probably not in apache to tomcat ajp-connection.
All the logs seems to be fine, there' nothing special in there.
Any help would be really appreciated
ChemAxon e07e2a364b
25-11-2013 09:06:30
Hi Martin,
The base URL of the WS can be used for testing: webservices/rest-v0. This should send you a message contains licese information too. We have seen similar problems in two cases: automatic http to https redirect in the apace and incorrect tomcat/java vendor/jvm setting. Is the major version of your tomcat "7"? Do you use oracle JVM? Have you set up the JVM options according to:
You can test the molExport through the /webservices#molExport url.
Please, let me know whether this help!
User 867bf5be52
25-11-2013 09:47:29
hello gguta,
"The base URL of the WS can be used for testing: webservices/rest-v0. This should send you a message contains licese information too"
When I go to this URL I also see a blank response..
"Have you set up the JVM options according to: "
Unfortunatelly, I wasn't able to find this document, when I tried to install it. I'm on CentOs 6.4.
java version "1.7.0_45"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u45-b15)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)
Is the major version of your tomcat "7"?
No, I'm running distributional tomcat 6.
You can test the molExport through the /webservices#molExport url.
/webservices/#molExport is just a static site-there is no way I can interact with it (please see attached screenshot)
Do you suggest to try to stick with your guide? Do you think java or version matters? I also have an automatic http to https redirect.
Thank you Martin
ChemAxon 13811e1703
25-11-2013 10:16:55
User 867bf5be52
25-11-2013 12:33:24
Thank you
everything is working fine now