User 773d472e7f
13-11-2013 15:01:16
Dear Chemaxon
* 15 Million compound molecule table: MySQL
* Ubuntu virtual server (64 bit, 8GB)
* JChem 6.1
* SOAP web services
We have set up the above environment and performed substructure searches (sss)
The cache initially stabilizes at aprox 5GB with substructure searches returning results averaging 7-10 seconds.
However after a few days (2 - 3) the cache continues to grow to 6GB and performance degrades and then stops performing at all.
I have attached the program code that we are using to call the web services.
In summary the following services are called for each sss performed:
1 ConnectionWS.getConnection
2 JChemSearchWS.runCompleteSearch
3 ConnectionWS.close
4 JChemSearchWS.endSearch
Please advise if this needs to be changed.
Please advise how to check and manage the cache stability. For example stop runaway processes, clear unused memory, etc.
Many thanks