Structure Cache Management

User 773d472e7f

13-11-2013 15:01:16

Dear Chemaxon

        15 Million compound molecule table: MySQL

Ubuntu virtual server (64 bit, 8GB)

* JChem 6.1

* SOAP web services

We have set up the above environment and performed substructure searches (sss)

The cache initially stabilizes at aprox 5GB with substructure searches returning results averaging 7-10 seconds.

However after a few days (2 - 3) the cache continues to grow to 6GB and performance degrades and then stops performing at all.

I have attached the program code that we are using to call the web services.

In summary the following services are called for each sss performed:

1 ConnectionWS.getConnection

2 JChemSearchWS.runCompleteSearch

3 ConnectionWS.close

4 JChemSearchWS.endSearch

Please advise if this needs to be changed.

Please advise how to check and manage the cache stability. For example stop runaway processes, clear unused memory, etc.

Many thanks




ChemAxon e07e2a364b

14-11-2013 07:30:52

Closing the search after closing the connection looks a bit odd, but we are going to check this issue in details.


User 773d472e7f

26-11-2013 09:15:26

Hi Gabor:

After changing the order of the last 2 commands we now seem to have a stable cache:

1 ConnectionWS.getConnection

2 JChemSearchWS.runCompleteSearch

3 JChemSearchWS.endSearch

4 ConnectionWS.close

Overtime the memory allocated to the cache seems to range between 5000m to 6000m.

If you have managed to investigate this feature further and have specific recommendations or advice we would greatly appreciate that.

In particular any methods for monitoring/managing the cache would be good to know.




ChemAxon e07e2a364b

27-11-2013 09:27:18

Hi Bernard,


    The JChem Base Cache is in connection with the size of the table. You can find here the way you can calculate its size:

