Help needed with REST web service Installation

User 773d472e7f

28-10-2013 10:26:18

(My last post was not replied to so am posting an update in a new post):

My environment

        15 Million compound molecule table

* Ubuntu virtual server (64 bit, 8GB)

* JChem 6.1


I have attempted to installed the REST web services in ADDITION to the JChem Classic (SOAP) 6.1 Web services. As you know the SOAP web services installs tomcat within the JChemWebservices installation:


I have attempted to install the REST webservices into this container.

Following the install the REST webservice the activity of the JAVA JCHEM "cache" process starts use intensive processor resources. This remains for hours and does not build any cache. SOAP web services do not work at this time.

Please advise how I should problem solve this issue.

Many thanks


ChemAxon e07e2a364b

31-10-2013 12:01:07

Hi Bernard,

   This problem sounds like you did not configure enough memory for your JVM. Can you write a bit more about your memory settings? (Xmx, Xms, MaxPermSize, etc.) Did you follow the Section 1.1 of the installation guide: ? You can find here, how the necessary memory size can be calculated: 

   The two systems ("JChem WS" and "JChem WS Classic") does not share the JChem cache so the memory requirement of the two systems have to be calculated separately. Tomcat settings must reflect the addition of the memory requirements.
