Install REST web services in ADDITION to SOAP web services

User 773d472e7f

21-10-2013 14:46:17

Dear Chemaxon,

I have installed the JChem Classic (SOAP) 6.1 Web services and now I would like to also install the new REST web services.

As you know the SOAP web services installs tomcat within the JChemWebservices installation:


When I install the REST webservices do I install this within this tomcat container?

Many thanks


ChemAxon e07e2a364b

31-10-2013 12:13:46

Hi Bernard,


   I would recommend to install REST web services into a separate recent Tomcat version. Theoretically, should be no problem of installing it to the same tomcat if you set the memory large enough and place the 3rd party jars in the right place. We did not test the REST WS with Tomcat version bundled with the classic Web Services.

