REST elementalAnalysis parameters

User 3d3f3767a2

21-08-2013 22:02:37

Hello again,

Another little issue to report (I think). When I make a post request to get structure details ( with elementalAnalysis and I set the "single" option to false, the formula that is returned (and other structure details) don't combine salts. For example, if I post this (to /rest-v0/util/detail):

"structures": [
{"structure": "CCCC.Cl"}
"display": {
"include": ["elementalAnalysis"],
"parameters": {
"elementalAnalysis": { "single": false }

The formula that comes back is C4H10. I believe if single mode is false, it should simply sum up the diferent components of the SMILES?

Did I misinterpret this somehow?



ChemAxon 13811e1703

22-08-2013 07:59:07

Hi Craig!

Thanks for the report, the documentation contains invalid information, actually the parameter name is "singleFragmentMode" instead of "single", please try it, we will correct the documentation for the next release.
