ASA calculations - JChem vs. Marvin

User f6572d1586

28-11-2012 19:28:20

There appear to be differences in the calcuated values for ASA+,ASA-,ASAH & ASAP between Marvin and JChem for Excel.  For example:


From Marvin:

ASA = 423.96
ASA+ = 206.88
ASA- = 217.07
ASA_H = 358.57
ASA_P = 65.39
 at pH 7.00

From JChem:

Formula used: Value
=JCChemicalTerms(F3,"waterAccessibleSurfaceArea('7')") 434.32
=JCChemicalTerms(F3,"ASAPlus('7')") 206.76
=JCChemicalTerms(F3,"ASANegative('7')") 227.56
=JCChemicalTerms(F3,"ASAHydrophobic('7')") 360.84
=JCChemicalTerms(F3,"ASAPolar('7')") 73.48


Could you help clarify this.


Separately - the values that show up in Excel are strings - can I modify the JCChemicalTerms to include a format (number w/ XX decimal places).



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

30-11-2012 11:54:10

Thanks for the report, we are still investigating ....


Possibly this will be fixed in 5.12 release.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

01-12-2012 09:57:42

Will be fixed possibly in 5.12 release.


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

04-12-2012 19:31:51

Tested with the 5.12 release candidate and the issue is no longer reproducible.
