User b0828cb32f
10-10-2012 18:25:08
Hello All:
Short story:
JCHEM for Excel vertical toolbar does not appear in Excel 2003 after installation using JChem_For_Excel_5.11.1.781.exe installer.
Long story:
I installed JCHEM for Excel once before in Sept 2011. I reinstalled it today with new licenses. Installation went with no hitch. However, the vertical toolbar does not appear. I have gone through Add-In's/Automation and selected for the specified JCHEMExcel.Functions which are listed under functions but I still don't have the vertical toolbar.
What should I do?
Dennis Sprous
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-10-2012 18:55:40
User b0828cb32f
10-10-2012 20:01:32
Dear Victor:
As per instructions, I have attached my log files.
As per question "would be if you can see the menu bar or context menu and what does appear only is the toolbar?", I have attached an image of my Excel window which show what I believe to be a fairly standard Excel toolbar. The CeuticalSoft layer is acces to some custom macros I used in a past life.
This worked in Sept 2011 so I assume it is some setting I have toggled wrong since then.
-- Dennis
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-10-2012 20:30:28
User b0828cb32f
10-10-2012 21:03:49
That resolved the problem. This chain can be filed as resolved.
Many thanks.