User 2a5f9cc733
10-10-2012 12:17:58
Whilst recording an excel macro I wanted to convert a smiles to a structure using the JChem Structure from Smiles function but i find that the action is not recorded - any ideas how to make this work?
User 2a5f9cc733
10-10-2012 12:17:58
Whilst recording an excel macro I wanted to convert a smiles to a structure using the JChem Structure from Smiles function but i find that the action is not recorded - any ideas how to make this work?
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-10-2012 14:39:08
Hi Chris,
because Excel can record only a Microsoft based macro but you can force the convert action from code.
Let me give you a code example shortly.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-10-2012 17:24:20
Hi Chris,
we provide a Developer's Guide please check it:
the generic API routines for VBA, COM can be found here :
you can download VBA macro demo codes from here (VB and VBA examples subfolder in the ZIP file):
Now I have taken it out for you 1 of these examples:
Public Sub ActionDemo()
Dim vaArray() As Variant
Dim sActionList As String
Dim lIndex As Long
' this is the correct interface you should use
Dim nativeInterface As Object
Dim objAddin As Office.COMAddIn
' error handling on
Set objAddin = Application.COMAddIns("JChemExcel.JChemExcelAddin")
Set nativeInterface = objAddin.Object
' get them back from service
vaArray = nativeInterface.GetAvailableActions()
If (IsArray(vaArray)) Then
For lIndex = LBound(vaArray) To UBound(vaArray)
sActionList = sActionList & CStr(vaArray(lIndex)) & vbCrLf
End If
'Call MsgBox(sActionList & vbCrLf & "Executing the first action on the list ... ")
Debug.Print sActionList & vbCrLf & "Executing the first action on the list ... "
' run action
'Call nativeInterface.ExecuteAction("ConvertFromSMILESToStructureAction")
' skip error handling block
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("Cannot demonstrate JC4XL actions! " & Err.Description, vbCritical)
End Sub
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-10-2012 17:27:35
Continuing from the ActionsDemo code you can derive a small code snippet.
This is an answer to your problem:
Public Sub ConvertFromSmilesToStructureAction()
' this is the correct interface you should use
Dim nativeInterface As Object
Dim objAddin As Office.COMAddIn
' error handling on
Set objAddin = Application.COMAddIns("JChemExcel.JChemExcelAddin")
Set nativeInterface = objAddin.Object
' run action
Call nativeInterface.ExecuteAction("ConvertFromSMILESToStructureAction")
' skip error handling block
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("Cannot demonstrate JC4XL actions! " & Err.Description, vbCritical)
End Sub
This will convert the content of the activecell to JCXL structure. Basically these 3 lines of code will do the conversion and can be put into your macro or into a routine that you macro can call:
Set objAddin = Application.COMAddIns("JChemExcel.JChemExcelAddin")
Set nativeInterface = objAddin.Object
' run action
Call nativeInterface.ExecuteAction("ConvertFromSMILESToStructureAction")
If you have further questions please let me know.