User d032b79802
14-05-2012 19:02:07
MarvinSketch .Net 5.9.3
x86 Win 7 6.1
I open a workbook with VBAs from a folder and can fill cells with structures without problem. I also have a Visual Basic 2010 Express Project, where I open the same workbook from the sam folder. When I try to enter a structure I see the structure but also the sign #NAMWE?.
Then I open the "Option from the Excel and click "Add-Ins". I open "Excel Add-Ins" with "go" and go to automation and check "JChemExcel Functions", after "OK" I see a message "A file named 'JChemExcel.Functions' already exists in location. Do you want to replace it?" I check "yes" and the #NAME? disappears after the next structure.
If I check "No" then the error remains. I have removed JChem4Excel and loaded it again, the same error is visible.
How can I start to tackle this problem?
Thank you for your advice in advance.