User 2297044a73
27-02-2012 22:53:45
Hi everyone, my machine is a Linux platform and I install a virtual machine, windows XP profession, through VMware on the Linux plaform. Then I install Jchem for excel on my virtual windows XP professional. Yesterday my XP profession just reboot itself then I lost Jchem for excel. Today I download JChem for Excel 5.8.2 and try to install it in my C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel\ and it constantly shows the following message:
"exception occured while initializing the installation: System.IO.Filenot foundexception: could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel\ CustomactionInstaller.dll" or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified"
I try many different pathways such as C:\, C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files\ChemAxon or C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\ and still doesn't work
However, I successfully install JChem for Excel 5.8.2 on my windows vista 32 bit laptop (not virtual machine).
Thank you!
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
28-02-2012 08:14:17
Hi Henry,
when you get this error message your installation was completely failed? I mean the installer itself has stopped totally?
Or just this custom action failed and the program has been installed on the machine?
If so you should activate the addin manually:
User 2297044a73
28-02-2012 17:56:50
Hi viktor,
Thanks for your reply. The installation was completely failed when I got the error message. I also tried to install JChem_For_Excel_5.4.1.446.exe on the Windows XP professional machine (a virtual machine on Red hat linux) and it showed the same error and the installation failed as well .
User 2297044a73
28-02-2012 20:23:00
Hi viktor,
Now I download JChem for Excel 5.8.2 to another windows XP computer (not virtual machine) and copy the exe file to my XP professional virtual machine on Linux red hat work station and install it. Now the above error message doesn't show and the installation is completed! But Jchem cannot link to excel. I will try the link you provided.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
01-03-2012 13:50:07
Hi Henry,
I would like to inform you ,
from the next version we do not block the msi installation process if the custom tasks cannot be run.
Because this setting can be applied manually as well.
Please let me know if you activation is successfull or not.
thank you,