User 80c35730b2
12-12-2011 10:20:26
1) Import any RD file containing reactions
2) Select a cell containing a reaction diagram
3) Right click to get pop-up menu
3) Select "Save as Structure" menu item
4) File choices include MDL Molfile (*.mol), MDL RD file (*.rdf), MDL SD file (*.sdf) ...
BUT NO MDL Rxnfile (*.rxn) choice is offered
5) However if you save as a MDL Molfile (it adds a .mol extension) and then open that file with a text file editor the file is actually an MDL RXN file (saved with wrong file extension)
I guess the Save as Structure save dialog box should have the "MDL Molfile (*.mol)" option switched to "MDL Rxnfile (*.rxn)" when it knows it has a reaction in the cell.
The work-a-round for now is to save the file as a molfile and manually change the file extension