JChem for Excel Install Error

User fd4af72735

06-12-2011 14:31:10

I'm getting the below error when installing the latest JChem for Excel. Win XP SP3 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 are both installed.




ChemAxon b62f37c21a

06-12-2011 14:52:04

Hello Jim,

Please attach the log file of the installation, please see here how to create it.

Thank you,

Gabor Vasko

User fd4af72735

06-12-2011 15:04:20

Hi Gabor,


I wasn't able to follow that path directly, but I did find the attached file. Is this what you're looking for? The timestamp looks to be right.





EDIT: Sorry- the .log didn't take. I've edited it to .txt.

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

06-12-2011 15:23:55

Hi Jim,

Sorry, I thought this one:

msiexec /i JChem_For_Excel_your version.msi /lvx* JCXL.log

This runs the installer in the usual way, but it is writing a lot of information about the installation process into the JCXL.log file.

Please attach this JCXL.log file.

Thank you,

Gabor Vasko

User fd4af72735

06-12-2011 17:53:23

Hi Gabor,


I'm not exactly sure what's going on. I get this error when I type this into a command prompt... am I doing something wrong?




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

06-12-2011 18:00:18

Hi Jim,

 what is the exe/msi name of the JChemExcel installer you would like to run?

JChem for Excel

We would like to send you a bat file to run against your system.



User fd4af72735

06-12-2011 18:54:17

I have .exe. JChem_For_Excel_5.6.0.482.exe

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

06-12-2011 18:59:29

That is the problem then I think please try to run the msi version (you can download it from the website where you have downlaoded the exe from)

and please give a try to have a log file written out as Gabor described:

Please run a command prompt as an administrator and type this sentence after you navigate into the folder where your installer msi is sitting:

msiexec /i JChem_For_Excel_5.6.0.482 /lvx* JCXL.log

Please attach JCXL.log to this forum section.

(If you cannot cope with this Gabor will send you a batch file ...)

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

06-12-2011 20:03:05

We need to improve our admin guide, we are sorry for that.

I try to give a full solution that could be applied without much Windows knowledge, we will publish it on our website.

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Go to the folder that contains your installer: first choose the appropriate drive, e.g. type D: and press Enter. Then type cd \the\folder\of\your\installer and press Enter.

  3. Type (or copy-paste) the following line:

JChem_For_Excel_5.6.0.482.exe /i /lvx* JCXL.log

The JCXL.log file should be there in the same folder.

Currently the website is about msi, but there is only a small difference between msi and exe.

Thank you for your effort, it revealed an imcomplete part of the documentation.

Best regards,

Gabor Vasko

User fd4af72735

07-12-2011 16:13:09

Hi Gabor,


Thanks for taking the time to explain how to do the install via a command prompt. It's been a long time since I've used DOS. Attached is the .txt converted .log file. I didn't try the .msi download yet, but I'll let you know how that goes shortly.


Thanks again


ChemAxon b62f37c21a

07-12-2011 16:44:49

Hi Jim,

The msi installer is (at least should be) the same as the exe. Exe can contain more pre-check functionality.

The log file you sent contains information about the error, I will check it soon.

Best regards,

Gabor Vasko

User fd4af72735

09-12-2011 16:22:38


I'm trying to work with JChem for Excel, and the JChem action bar in Excel has grayed out. I tried a complete uninstall/reinstall of the version that was working for us before (, and updated the license. Thoughts?




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 16:25:26

Please check this how to find log files:


and please send us the logs in a ZIPped pack. Thank you in advance,


User fd4af72735

09-12-2011 16:38:12

Attached. Thanks

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 17:16:16

Could you please send this log as well?

C:\Users\<YOUR USER>AppData\Roaming\ChemAxon\CXNdotNetClassCOMLoader

because the zip did not contain but very old issues ....

User fd4af72735

09-12-2011 17:24:59

Attached. Sorry about that- I only grabbed the *.log files.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 17:51:52

No problem, the log was very useful, we try to interpret it.

In the meantime could you please have a look at this temp development release of 5.7:



Other customers reported such a greyed out state of the released 5,6.

We would appreciate feedback re 5.7 candidate!

Thank you,


User fd4af72735

09-12-2011 21:04:42

Hi Viktor,


I got the same error as before (the original post)


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 21:36:58

Which was you previous JChemExcel version on your machine?

Didi it produce the same error? Or this is the first version raising this error?


User fd4af72735

09-12-2011 21:56:46



It's probably worth summarizing, as there have been a few things going on. I was running version without issue, tried to update to, and got the error that's in the first post. After clicking OK, the install appears to rollback any changes made. I again went to use JChem for Excel today (assuming it was the rolled back version 5.1), but the entire function menu in Excel is grayed out. I double checked that the correct license was installed, but still couldn't access any of JChem for Excel. I reinstalled the original 5.1 .exe that we have on our server, installed the proper license, and still got the same problem. Per your suggestion, I tried to .msi install of, and again got the same error as when I tried to install 5.6.


Log files for the install of 5.6 as well as for the problem I had with the grayed out functions are attached above.


Thanks for your help



EDIT: Just to clarify, before trying to update to 5.6, I was able to use JChem for Excel without any problems.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 22:10:58

When you say ? you meant

Because from the log you sent it seemed to me that version got mixed up somehow, please see this log you sent

ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Core.JChemExcelShell' from assembly 'JChemExcel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

09-12-2011 22:12:13

https://www.chemaxon.com/download.php?d=/data/download/jchem4xl this path contains older versions,

maybe worth clearing up your machine GAC, folders and start an upgrade process from the beginning?


However when we make test aginst a machine we try to use clear installations mainly, without having previous version installed, directly the 5.7.0 e.g..

User fd4af72735

12-12-2011 14:05:15

Hi Viktor,


I did mean 5.4, not 5.1. Sorry for the typo.


What exactly should I do to make sure that the previous version of JChem for Excel is removed entirely from my machine before installing a newer copy?




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

12-12-2011 15:06:39


Sent you a list.

I think it would be worth upgrading your JChemExcel one-by-one and checking the load after each installation starting with the version, which works without problem 5.4.1 (https://www.chemaxon.com/download.php?d=/data/download/jchem4xl/JChem_For_Excel_5.4.1.446.msi ?).

Let me pick up the most important releases you need to try out from the link in the upgrade process:




if the upgrader could help, it might be worth stopping here and  wait for the offical 5.7 coing out recently.


 p.s. sent you a private mail as well.