JChem for Excel: Query and mapping fail

User e4183f4538

09-05-2011 20:51:22

I have two problems with JChem for Excel 2007 when I attempt to Import from Database:

1. When performing a query on an Oracle connected database, with a specific qualifier (AND STRUCTURES REFERENCE = Reagents), the search returns my entire table (571 hits) vs. what should be returned (417 hits). All chemistry/general search options are left at default, and the structure window itself is empty.

The Oracle connection seems to function ok, as I can search through the tables/views and see all columns. Querries via IJC/SQL work fine.


2. When I attempt to map the results, I am given an error message:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The column headers are mapped, but no data. The details of the error are:


Exception: System.NullReferenceException

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


StackTrace:    at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.ExcelMapper.AbstractExcelMapper.MapRecordBatch(IEnumerable`1 records, IStructureRecordEnumerator enumerator)

   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.ExcelMapper.AbstractExcelMapper.MapRecordBatches()

   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.ExcelMapper.DrawingExcelMapper.†††

††††–›(Object )

   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.ExcelMapper.DrawingExcelMapper.Execute()

   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.Controls.BackgroundWorkerPresenter.†††

††††‹(Object )

   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.Base.Controls.BackgroundWorkerPresenter.backgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)

   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)


Any ideas about where to go from here would be great!



ChemAxon 0e37943a96

10-05-2011 17:53:18

Hi Erin,

Which version are you using? I have tried with 5.4.1.

1. I have tried this, and I could successfully filter for a text field. In the schema I tried there were some IJC tables present, so I filtered IJC_SCHEMA GENERIC TYPE for DATATREE. It seems strange that it returns all the hits for you. Do other filter types work: filter for a numeric field, or filter using "Like"?

2. Under what circumstances do you get this exception? Mapping the results form the query above? Is that a Cartridge or JChem Base table? Do the selected columns on the left contain structure column?

Best regards,



User e4183f4538

10-05-2011 18:58:08

Hi Tamas!

I am using JChem for Excel, and the database is Cartridge indexed.

Today the search is behaving itself (the exact same search protocol - no idea why). But the mapping still fails with the same error.

I've tried 3 different querries: filtering on the text column REFERENCE = Regents (401 hits) , filtering on calculated MOLWT < 300 column (199 hits),  text column SUPPLIER Contains Aldrich (1 hit). All gave the same error when I tried to map the results. The column headers go up, and then the error is given before any data is mapped.

Yes, I have a STRUCTURE(Indexed) column selected at left. 



ChemAxon 0e37943a96

10-05-2011 20:12:07

Hi Erin,

strange. Try selecting different columns on the left, maybe some data causes the trouble in Excel.

If it does not help, we could have a look with a webex.

The Import from Database part was a bit neglected in the past (because it is not used that much), but we will include some improvements and fixes for 5.5. If these are implemented, I will let you know and you could try on a development version.



User e4183f4538

10-05-2011 21:09:58

Hi Tamas!

I started mapping columns one at a time, and overwriting the rows. The structure alone didn't cause an error (mapped fine). However, when trying to map a query using only the STRUCTURE(indexed), ID (number), and COMMON NAME (Varchar2), I get the error.

I'd be happy to go over this with Webex if that would be easier.



ChemAxon 0e37943a96

12-05-2011 06:51:39

Hi Erin,

I will try to reproduce this on our side with some additional dataset. If we will not be able to reproduce the problem I will get back to you and set up the webex.

We will have the European UGM next week, so we are a bit busy at the moment, so if it is not urgent we could do this near the end of next week.







ChemAxon 0e37943a96

03-06-2011 14:26:23

Hi Erin,

we have made some fixes related to Import from Database in version 5.5. If you have some time you could check it out in a release candidate, versioned The mapping now should also show if encounters an exception.


We will release 5.5 sonn, if the problem still persists, we could either go for a webex.


Best regards,


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-06-2011 06:20:12

Hi Erin,

the 5.5 version is released.


User e4183f4538

09-09-2011 05:00:00



Thanks so much! I look forward to trying it out!