JChem4 Excel for mac?

User 29a2d0efa6

27-08-2010 14:38:34

I'm searching for a version of JChem4 Excel for Mac. Does it exist? I only found .msi on Chemaxon.

I really admire the products of Chemaxon.

Congratulation and Thanks


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

31-08-2010 13:10:42

Dear Manuel,

sorry, JChemExcel is only for Windows Office.

Thank you for the positive words.


User bd9576aea6

02-02-2011 16:40:03

Does JChem for excel work on Mac with Windows Parallels installed? I have tried to download from:


but the program is a .msi file which I cannot open. I have an academic license.


Thank you in advance,



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

04-02-2011 13:50:56

Dear Marie,

Parallels looks like a Virtual Box, or VM ware thus you should be able to use JChemForExcel on it if you install Windows XP or above and Office 2003 or above on that.

Do not you use mixed mode (cohehrence mode), which producing you a kind of Windows style integration on mac OS physically? Because in this way osx hosts the WIndows stuff and can cause problems.

To be honest I am not Mac OS expert so this virtual machine is also unknown by myself. My collegue using similar operating system usggested you should try to contact with Parallels forum or support as well, they will surely help how to setup Parallels for launching WIndows and Office and its plugins.
