Oracle TNS Connection using JChem4Excel

User 5abffb310d

18-08-2010 12:00:46



We are unable to make search by using Oracle TNS Connection in Import from Database using Jchem4Excel5.3.7.76.

I created a connection by using TNS option. When i selected its showing all the tables in the given login of oracle.  But when i try for a search its throwing the following exception.

I would like to know what exactly the fuzzy i made.  The same is working fine with Basic option.

Error details :::


Exception: java.sql.SQLException
Message: Io exception: Unknown host specified
StackTrace:    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(String , Properties , ClassLoader )
   at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password, CallerID )
   at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password)
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Sql.Oracle.OracleJDBCDriver.CreateConnection(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Sql.JDBCDataProviderFactory.CreateConnection(IConnectionInfo ci)
   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.IKVM.Search.JChemBaseSearchMethod.CreateSearchSession(SearchModel model)
   at ChemAxon.NET.Base.JChem.Search.SearchModel.PrepareSearch()
   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.ImportFromDatabase.ImportFromDatabasePresenter.Search()
   at ChemAxon.JChemExcel.ImportFromDatabase.ImportFromDatabasePresenter.SearchClicked()




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

19-08-2010 13:33:04

Dear Sudhakar,

we cannot reproduce it. It works for us. We are trying to check it more, by next week we come back explanation if we find anyting problematical. (And of course we are going to roll out a patch in that case)
