User 6dad37017a
28-04-2010 10:36:14
I have successfully downloaded most of the stuff, I have however some problem with JChem for Excell. I get a message about some problem with the package, error code 2908, more info in the attached screendump.
Can I get some assistance here?
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
28-06-2010 13:24:39
HI Martin,
Sorry for dropping this post - because it was your irst post you needed to be enabled and that was missed.
Can I ask if you still have this issue
User 6dad37017a
28-06-2010 14:21:07
Hello Alex
I just had another try and found the same problem.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
28-06-2010 14:26:06
Can you give more info (version, OS et) also the attachment from the first post didn't come through.
Finally I would check the latest version - there is much work recently in jc4xl and they do prefer supporting latest versions.
User 6dad37017a
28-06-2010 14:36:13
Now it works! I updated the .NET config and that did the trick!
Thank you!