Problems copying structures between 2 workbook windows

User ba033e6d58

20-01-2010 21:33:48

I have JChem For Excel v 1.1.3, Office 2007 SP2, .Net 3.5.

When I copy within a workbook, the structures seem fine. If I try to copy a row with structures to a different Excel workbook, the structures often (not always) do not paste. If I convert the structure to an Image before copying, I can paste the structure, but the image is distorted from the original dimensions (and unusable).

We also see (often, not always) issues with Excel freezing when copying between workbooks. We cannot close the frozen workbooks (need to kill the processes with Task Manager).

What do you suggest for the easiest way to work between workbooks? Do we need a different version of some underlying software?


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

20-01-2010 22:10:02

Dear Jean,

let me give you possible answers one-by-one:

1. Converting structures to images is a new functionality in 1.1.3. From that point when you converted the molecules to images, they work as normal Excel (EMF) images. If you select the range containing the images and copy them and paste to somewhere else Excel make them fit to the new range where you pasted them into. So before copying them it is recommended to resize the target range.
If you select the images directly they will not distorted, this is also a natural behaviour of Office.

2. It is bad to hear the copy between workbooks does not work properly since it is a very 'ancient' feature in the JChem4XL.
I cannot reproduce it. However when you use rows please take into consideration that sometimes Excel starts a long lasting calculation process across the workbook.The explanation is that the structure drawing is based on a specific link (function).

You can break the ever lasting calculation (in Office 2007 contain millions of cells horizontally and vertically) with moving the selection outside the pasting area. Which will break the synchron calculation of functions (and start a background job not blocking the GUI) and keep you away from getting a frozen Excel, which can be killed by TaskMan.

For any reasons if you perceive that structure are not displayed you can workaround it to click on the Redraw Structures on the JChem toolbar (ribbon bar) below the sizing buttons.

Another chance to make the paste operation more comfortable especially when you do it after filtering or other operation is to use paste special and formulas.

I would like to emphasize that which is mentioned above (workarounds) should not be used normally, I could even paste between workbooks normal and filterred data as well without using any trick, workaround.

I hope this helps.






User ba033e6d58

21-01-2010 14:23:23

The workarounds are helpful, but we would like to try to get the most stable environment that we can to avoid needing workarounds. Can you tell me in detail what exact software versions (Java, Net, Windows, Office, etc.) you are using that work well for you?



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

21-01-2010 14:35:23

Hi Jean,

my environment is Windows Vista 32, Office 2007 SP2, JChem4XL 1.1.3.

You did not mention that when copy and paste had not worked, one of the workaround I listed in the 2. point helped? It could also help us hints about what part of the code we need to test more.

When you perceived the problem, do you usually paste on an empty wrkbook from Jhem4X point of view (I mean the target workbook ever contained any structure)?

I need to amend my opinion re this:

You can break the ever lasting calculation (in Office 2007 contain millions of cells horizontally and vertically) with moving the selection outside the pasting area. Which will break the synchron calculation of functions (and start a background job not blocking the GUI) and keep you away from getting a frozen Excel, which can be killed by TaskMan.

This is only valid for those copy-paste operations when the molecule can be found in the depot of the target workbook, otherwise you should wait for the full calculation by Excel.


ChemAxon 0e37943a96

21-01-2010 14:58:34

Dear Jean,

we support both Excel 2003 SP3, Excel 2007 SP2. Windows XP and Windows Vista with the latest service packs. .NET Framework SP2 and above. The Java version does not matter. You actually need Java and Java based Marvin for OLE copy at the moment.

We do testing for both Excel 2003, 2007, and Windows XP and Vista.  We test only with the latest service packs, because it will be impossible test for all combination of patch states for Excel and Windows.

You do not need any workarounds, it should work as it is. The image conversion is different purpose, so it is not needed for this operation.

I have some additional questions:

Issue, when not all the structures paste:

Issue, when Excel is freezing after workbook paste:

It would be very helpful for us to to be able to reproduce the problem, so we will need this additional details.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Tamas Pelcz.