User ba033e6d58
03-12-2009 15:25:50
I am using JChem for Excel 1.1.2, Office 2007, JRE 1.6.14, MarvinBeans 5.2.6
If I take an sd file that contains any structures with enhanced stereochemistry tags (and, or, abs), then it will not import at all into JChem for Excel (there is a could not recognize file format error).
If I take the same SD file and open it with Marvin Viewer or Marvin sketch, there are no issues with opening and viewing the file.
If I take the SD file in MarvinViewer and save it as a mrv file, I can then import the mrv file into JChem for Excel with no issues.
If I take the same sd structures and remove the tags, the file can be imported into JChem for Excel without issues.
It looks like the problem is a bug with sd files with enhanced stereochem tags can't be recognized with JChem for Excel. Can this be fixed with the next release (and when would that be expected)?