Speed to download MarvinSketch applet

User ba033e6d58

20-11-2009 21:23:33

I have had some users complain that it takes too long to load the Marvinsketch window when they click on Add Molecule. Is there any way to speed up the performance or do you have any recommended settings for Java/Excel/Windows/etc. that we should use?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-11-2009 08:22:40

Dear Jean,

which editor do you use for data editing? Basically you have 3 options in Jchem4XL:


User ba033e6d58

23-11-2009 13:41:14

I have the Marvin. net option set, but I will have to check with others if they different options set and switch them to Marvin .net if needed. We will look forward to improved loading speed in 1.1.3.


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-11-2009 14:02:49

OK, thanks so it should be working fast for the second add/edit? Your user complaining about the first run or all cases when they launch it?

User ba033e6d58

23-11-2009 19:17:20

Yes, the second edit/add seems much faster than the first.

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

26-11-2009 18:13:12


we also have longer term plans for enchancing the startup speed of the first edit (ar any other operations) by:




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

10-03-2010 23:22:51

Applet is no longer supperted in thick clients like JChem Excel.

Instead marvin .NET is uch faster and loaded on a separate thread.

Oter editors like ChemDraw is also supported for test.