JChem for Excel v1.1.2 - problem editing structures

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

21-09-2009 18:17:07

A user sent this in email:

Today (9/21/09) I downloaded the new msi, uninstalled my
1.1.1 JChem for Excel, and ran the 1.1.2 JChem for Excel installer. I am using
Office 2007. I can import any sd file and that works fine. However, when I try
to double click on a structure to launch the Marvin sketch to edit it, the
original structure disappears from the Marvin Sketch window. I can draw in a
new sketch and transfer it back to Excel, but I can’t seem to edit what
was originally there.

     Is there some requirement for
underlying software (Office, Java, etc) that I am missing or is this just a

PS. The printing looks much better (Thank you!)

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

21-09-2009 18:34:54

Hi Jean,


please navigate to Jchem excel toolbar and Options.

On the left hand side tree please select the Structure editor and then the details on the right hand side is going to be refreshed. From the drop-down list please try out Marvin .NET or Marvin OLE as an option and repeat the data editing. Please do not save the workbook whilst having problems with data editing.



 P.S. : Use marvin .NET as priority Marvin OLE requires having 2.5.2 marvin Beans installed on your local.

User ba033e6d58

21-09-2009 19:05:39

OK - Changing the options worked for me.



ChemAxon 0e37943a96

23-09-2009 14:35:41

Hi Jean,

the final installer, is available for download.
