Can't display Stereo labels

User b505cabb69

24-06-2009 15:50:03

If I open JChem for Excel spreadsheet, add a new molecule with stereo centers in the drawing program, and specify the View-->Stereo-->R/S Labels-->All, and click okay,

then I cannot see the labels in excel. 


Version: Jchem for Excel 1.10, Office 2007, Windows XP

 MarvinSketch 5.1.5
Build Date:  2009-02-17
Operating System: x86 Windows XP 5.1
Java:  Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_14

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

24-06-2009 17:25:44


thanks for reporting. We are going to implement "advanced" drawing settings in release 1.1.2 coming out at the end of August. You will be able to specify, and save these drawing settings in JChem for Excel.

I am not sure whether the drawing settings could be transferred from Marvin to JChem for Excel in that release, but we will investigate that option too.



ChemAxon 0e37943a96

23-09-2009 14:44:59


structure drawing options are now included in the 1.1.2 version.

