Known Issues

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

02-03-2009 16:09:36


Issue: Cross sheet or workbook references do not work by mouse because of drawing mode.

Operating System: All

Office: All

Workaround: The cross sheet or workbook references has to be entered manually or switch on the Structure Drawing Behaviour for Excel Dialogs to true to do it automatically.


Structure Rendering


Issue: Structures are not positioned correctly in Page Layout view

Operating System: All

Office: Office 2007

Steps to reproduce:

1.      Import structures with their properties from a file to the A column of an empty worksheet.

2.      Change to Page Layout view.

3.      It causes problem in placement of the structures.

Workaround: No workaround.



Issue: Structures are drawn over graphical objects (Shapes, Charts..)

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1.      Import structures from a file.

2.      Create a chart or add a comment (comments needs to be shown continuously).

3.      Move the comment or the chart over the structure cells.

4.      Structures can be seen on the chart or comment object.

Workaround: No workaround.


Issue: Ball and Stick and Spacefill crops the sides of certain structures  

Operating System: All

Office: All

Workaround: No workaround.



Issue: Excel sheet as OLE object pasted into Microsoft Word will not show structure

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1. Add structures to cells

2. Select them and copy

3. Paste them as Excel Sheet Object (Paste Special)

4. Embedded Excel object will be shown without structure if it is launched by double-click

Workaround: Please try to use Marvin OLE as live objects in Word or convert structures to images and afterwards you can copy the whole sheet as OLE object.


Import from Database


Issue: It causes error when the user attempts to execute a query in case of a TNS type connection with “JChem Base” search method.

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1.      Specify a TNS type connection for an indexed table.

2.      Select the new TNS type connection, select the table and some fields and specify search options.

3.      Select the “JChem Base” search method in the property grid.

4.      Click on the Search button to execute the search. Exception occurs.

Workaround: Change the connection type to Basic..


Open Workspace


Issue:  Opening a saved workspace will not switch on the structure rendering

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start Microsoft Excel
2. Import structures from the Wombat.sdf file to the Sheet1 of the Book1
3. Open a new blank workbook - Book2
4. Import structures from the ShortSDF.sdf file to the Sheet1 of the Book2
5. Save the layout (the two opened workbooks with structures) as a workspace
6. Close Microsoft Excel - both the Book1 and Book2
7. Open the saved workspace by double-clicking on its icon
8. Check if the structures can be seen in both workbooks.
>> The structures become unvisible after scrolling in the opened workspace.

Workaround: No workaround.


Image/OLE Shape conversion back

Issue: The image/OLE shapes cannot be converted back to structures if autofiltering is enabled in case of Excel 2003

Operating System: All

Office: 2003

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start Microsoft Excel
2. Import the structures with adjacent data from the ??.sdf file to the Sheet1
3. Select the Structure and another non-structure columns (column A and B)
4. Turn on the autofiltering on the selected columns (Data|Filter)
5. Select the structure column and convert the structures to image shapes by using the ""Convert structure to Excel image shape) function.
6. Select the structure column again and convert the image shapes back to structures
7. Apply data filtering on the non-structure column to filter out some rows (e.g. filter out the rows where the non-structure value is specific to xx..)
8. Select the structure column again and convert the structures to image shapes
9. Select the structure column again and convert the image shapes back to structures.
>> Current result: Error message is displayed as “Could not convert structure images to chemical structure” when converting the image shapes back to structures in Excel 2003

Workaround: Microsoft handled the issue in Office 2007.

Copy ID or Structure aggregated fields between instances

Issue: Copy ID and structure aggregated field to another instance when the id isa calculated (name or smiles)

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start Microsoft Excel
2. Import structures with IDs but IDs should be calculated ids rather than corporated Ids like smiles, or IUPAC name
3. Start a new Microsoft Excel
4. Open a new blank workbook - Book2 in the Excel instance
5. In the case of some ID or structure fields the IDs have to be shown
6. Copy 'ID or structure' aggregated fields where they are shown as IDs now (not structures)
7. The structures will not be displayed


1. The functionality will be working for non autocalculated IDs
2. If in the fields (autocalculated Ids specified) the structures are shown the functionality works fine
3. Instance-Instance copy can be avoided with using workbooks in the same Excel instance

Structure conversion

Issue: Maximum 4000 structures can be converted to Excel image shapes by using the "Convert Structure to Excel Image Shape" and "Save to Share" functions due to upper limit of GDI handles that can be opened per session.

Operating System: All

Office: All

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start Microsoft Excel

2. Import 5000 or more structures from an SD file onto an empty worksheet

3. Save the workbook with structures and keep it opened

4. Select all structures and press the "To Image" ribbon button OR press the "Save to Share" ribbon button

>> The JChem for Excel starts to convert structures to Excel image shapes but the number of opened GDI objects reaches the upper limit and Excel hangs on.


Issue: Warning on workbook open: 'This workbook contains links to other data sources'.

The formula bar display formulas like this:

='C:\Program Files (x86)\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel\JCFunctions.xla'!JCIUPACName(A1)

Operating System: All

Office: All


1. Choose 'Update', you can click on 'Edit Links...' button.

2. The JCfunction.xla is selected, and its status is 'Error: Source
not found'.

3. Click 'Change Source...'.

4. Now, locate the JCFunctions.xla in the folder where JChemExcel

5. Click 'Open'.
6. Close this dialog.

Formulas should be resolved now.

Issue: Excel crashes when the workbook is closed.

Operating System: All x64

Office: Excel 2010 x64


1. Open Control Panel, System and Security, Windows Update.

If updates for Microsoft Office hasn't been turned on yet:

1.a  Beside 'Get updates for other Microsoft products', Click 'Find out more'.

1.b A browser window opens: 'Get updates for Windows, Office and more'.

1.c Follow the steps (Agree, 'Use recommended settings', Install,...)

1.d Back on the Windows Update window, after a while ('Checking for updates...'), updates for installed Office products should show up in the updates list.

2. Select Office 2010 SP2 update, and all other Office related security, etc. updates and install them.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

16-12-2015 14:49:51

In case a function does not work in JChem for Excel

For the proper behavior of JChem for Excel and
its functions, you should have the following Addins active (after using
the first JChem action, e.g. "Options"):

COM Add-ins:

- CXNSharedAddin

- JChemExcel JChemExcelAddin

Excel Add-ins:

- Jcfunctions

- JChemExcel Functions


Like this:

To activate the CXNSharedAddin as a COM Add-in:

1. File > Options > Add-Ins > select the COM Add-ins in the manage combo box > Go...

2. Select the checkbox next to CXNSharedAddin > OK

To activate the JChemExcel Functions as an Excel Add-in:

1. File > Options > Add-Ins > select the Excel Add-ins in the manage combo box > Go...

2a. Select the checkbox next to JChemExcel Functions > OK

2b. If the JChemExcel Functions item does not exists in the list, then click Automation

3b. Select JChemExcel Functions from the list, then click OK

To activate the Jcfunctions as an Excel Add-in:

1. File > Options > Add-Ins > select the Excel Add-ins in the manage combo box > Go...

2a. Select the checkbox next to Jcfunctions > OK

2b. If the Jcfunctions item does not exists in the list, then click Browse

3b. Browse to C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel\JCFunctions.xla, select it, then click OK

(3b-b. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel\JCFunctions.xla, select it, then click OK)


After the above steps please restart Excel.