User 3b514a39f6
06-06-2016 21:37:08
I am trying to convert SMILES string and / or CAS to structure. It works in Excel. But it does works in Excel 2013 but it does not work in PowerPoint 2013. Following is the error message.
Can you help resolve the issue?
Exception: System.ArgumentException
Message: The specified value is out of range.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.LineFormat.set_Visible(MsoTriState Visible)
at JChemForPowerPoint.PowerPointRangeHandler.ResizeToDefault(IJChemForOfficeSettings settings)
at JChemForPowerPoint.JChemPowerPointAddin.DoConversion(DataEmbedding dataEmbedding, IJChemMolecule molecule)
at ChemAxon.JChemForOffice.JChemAddinBase.ConvertSmilesToStructure(DataEmbedding dataEmbedding)
ChemAxon 0e37943a96
07-06-2016 13:28:41
do any other structure insertion methods work for you in PowerPoint?
Can you add a structure with editor, or paste a structure?
For some strange reason PowerPoint API fails at the stage when JChem for Office tries to set a border around the inserted image.(LineFormat.set_Visible)
You can give a try to set the borders to false opening the Options dialog, and go to General - Image Formatting - Border. However it should work with any settings.
Best regards,
User 3b514a39f6
07-06-2016 14:13:39
tpelcz wrote: |
do any other structure insertion methods work for you in PowerPoint?
Can you add a structure with editor, or paste a structure?
For some strange reason PowerPoint API fails at the stage when JChem for Office tries to set a border around the inserted image.(LineFormat.set_Visible)
You can give a try to set the borders to false opening the Options dialog, and go to General - Image Formatting - Border. However it should work with any settings.
Best regards,
So structure insertion works if I do it on new slide anywhere on a blank (white) space. I wanted to insert a structure inside a table thT I have on my slide. So I had SMILES string and/or CAS in one of the rowXcolumn in the table and I was trying to convert it to structure, which did not work.
ChemAxon 0e37943a96
07-06-2016 15:52:13
I see. I could reproduce the problem.
Unfortunately having structures in standard PowerPoint tables is not currently supported.
When we add table data we use a different way of creating tables.
I will notify our Product Owner, Akos about how to proceed with this issue.
Best regards,
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
06-07-2016 12:35:40
Hi Mihir,
Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert any image into a PowerPoint table, so we cannot support this workflow.
Best regards,