Cannot view absolute label in JChem for Excel

User b8f31290e7

01-10-2015 16:41:22

I am unable to view the absolute label with structures in JChem for Excel.  I have selected True for the setting for the label in the Structure Display settings in Excel.  I am using the following software:

- JChem for Excel version 15.1.1900.1773

- Microsoft Office 2013

- Windows 7

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

08-10-2015 16:17:22

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the late respond; thank you for your patience.

We could reproduce this with the same environment (Win7/Office2013-32bit) with the same version (15.1.1900). We checked the latest version, and the bug was not reproducible there. Then we checked if a related bugfix could fix this issue as well in the meantime, and it seems that it has been fixed in version 15.5.2500. So if you upgrade to any later version, the Absolute labels will be displayed fine.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards,
