Import/Associate by IDs & BLOBS

User fd07dcb633

20-02-2015 18:51:30

I have successfully linked JChem 4 XL to my oracle table. This database link allows me to import all table data except structures. When I try to import structures using the "import by IDs" or "Associate by IDs", I get the following error:

An error occured: Unable to cast object of type 'oracle.sql.BLOB' to type 'System.Byte[]'

The structures are stored in the Oracle DB in MOL format inside a BLOB variable so it seems that there is a problem with the conversion from the binary object to the needed text object.

Is there a workaround to help with this? 


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ChemAxon.IKVM.forms.1.1.0, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

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ChemAxon.IKVM.jni.inchi.0.7, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

ChemAxon.IKVM.ojdbc6., Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

ChemAxon.IKVM.poi.scratchpad.3.11.beta2.20140914, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

ChemAxon.IKVM.sqljdbc4.4.0, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

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IKVM.Runtime.JNI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

Interop.CXNOLEClientLib, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

Interop.JChemExcelCOMShimLib, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

Interop.MarvinOLE, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExcel, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExcel.Base, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExcel.Excel, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExcel.IKVM, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExcel.View.Windows.Forms, Version=15.2.900.2335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemExt, Version=15.2.900.2197, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

JChemOffice, Version=15.2.900.2334, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d25ce09139c726a9

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-02-2015 13:53:09

Hi Josh,


if you have the blob in a local table, do you experience the same problem? (just wanted to exclude database link issue)



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-02-2015 13:59:41

Hi Josh,


can you please try out if you explicitly specify the BLOB column as structure column to get it coverted locally in JC4XL rather in JChem?




User fd07dcb633

23-02-2015 14:49:31

hamoriviktor wrote:

Hi Josh,

can you please try out if you explicitly specify the BLOB column as structure column to get it coverted locally in JC4XL rather in JChem?

Hi Victor.

For clarification, here is my situation: The data is stored in a table under a different user's hierarchy (call it Table_A). Since I can't directly access other users' tables using associate by ID, I created a view (call it View_B) under my own hierarchy that is simply a mirror of Table_A:

Create view VIEW_B AS Select * from OtherUser.Table_A

 I can see and use View_B through JC4XL "Associate by ID" and "Import ID" so this is good progress!

Here are the details of trying to import both data columns and structure columns using each of JC4XL import buttons:

"Import": I cannot import any columns using this button. It doesn't matter if I target View_B or Table_A or whether I specify "Is structure column" as true or false  -- in all cases I can get past the query and column tabs, but then once I click "next" I get the following error:

Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Message: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
StackTrace:    at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Sql.JDBCAdoNetDataProvider`1.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnection connection, String sql)
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Sql.JDBCAdoNetDataProviderWithConnection`1.ExecuteNonQuery(String sql)
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.†††
†††‡Š(Object , Object )
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.TrySetSessionPassword()
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.†††
†††‡Šˆ(Object )
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.SetSessionPassword()
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.†††
†††‡‰Ž(Object )
   at ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Cartridge.JChem.JChemCartridgeSearchSession.Execute()
   at ChemAxon.NET.Base.Presenters.BackgroundWorkerPresenter.†††
†††Œ‘›(Object )
   at ChemAxon.NET.Base.Presenters.BackgroundWorkerPresenter.BackgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

"Import by ID": In contrast to the above, this function works for importing everything but structures from View_B (Table_A is not accessible to these functions). The error given is the one described in my last post (can't convert to Byte[]). However, all of the other columns are successfully transcribed onto the worksheet.

"Associate by ID": After setting up the parameters in the Options panel, selecting a compound ID and hitting the "Associate by ID" button causes the selected cell to change to the formula JCIDSYSStructure and the cell can be toggled between ID and structure using the apporpriate buttons, however when in structure mode the cell only displays the message "Can't read molecule from input."

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

24-02-2015 23:19:14

Possibly we have an issue if the molecules are stored in BLOB, rather than CLOB.

Register an issue for that and try to fix it in the next upcoming releases (on weekly bases).

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

25-02-2015 08:46:46

Josh, quick question, if you change the data provider for Excel, it can be done in Options. Do you get the same BLOB to byte[] error?

Further questions:

Do you use JChem Manager to store the data in BLOB field, so is this table an official JChem table?

Or have you stored molecules simply in BLOB with a different tool, so this is not a JChem system.

BTW I have registerred a task to reproduce the same environment with MOL files in BLOB.

User fd07dcb633

25-02-2015 14:15:07

Hi Victor,

RE: trying other drivers: Microsoft driver throws an error (obviously since I have an Oracle DB). Oracle ODP interestingly doesn't throw an error, but doesn't appear to sucessfully connect since no tables or views are shown after initiating the connection in the "Import" interface. Devart driver gives the license error discussed in previous posts. Oracle.jdbc works as described in previous posts.


Re. the use of JChemmanager: I'm not certain in the BLOB column is created and maintained by JChemManager since a third party does our database management. This DB does have the ChemAxon cartridge installed and there are numerous JCHEM, JC & IDX named tables under the same hierarchy. Is there a way to check if the Structure table I am referencing was created by JChem manager? If so I can forward the question on to our external  DB manager.




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

25-02-2015 14:56:44

Hi Josh,


it would be a very important information from your database schema to know if the table is a JChem base table. How do we need to reproduce the environment.....

The easiest way if you ask your DB admin to give infromation that your BLOB table name is in the JChem Properties table as an entry, if the tale is there and registered,

the JChem system knows about it and it knows that blob column is a structure column.


As far as I remember the CLOB is suported by JChemExcel more, so would it mean an alternative or temp workaround for you to store the molecules in CLOB?



User fd07dcb633

25-02-2015 17:57:46

Hi Victor,

I asked about the table and it is a JChem base table with appropriate structure indexes created.

I also asked my DB guy if there was a way to construct the View in such a way to convert the BLOB to a CLOB, i.e.:


I haven't received a response yet, but if you know of such a magic function, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help Victor!


User fd07dcb633

25-02-2015 18:30:46

My DB guy installed a PL/SQL procedure on the database to convert BLOB to CLOB. So I updated my VIEW_B to include an extra column which is the CLOB conversion.

The new behaviors are as follows:

"Import" still doesn't work. Same error as before. it may be that having any BLOB in the table causes this to fail

"Import by IDs": used to work for all non-structure columns - now doesn't work for any column. it adds the headers to the spreadsheet, but no longer fills in any data.

"Associate by IDs": This now works!  Since this is the main functionality I am interested it, I'm happy for now. I think I may go back later and remove the BLOB from the view to see if I can get either of the other two features to work.



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

25-02-2015 20:02:30

Great news Josh,


we will dig into the deep and check what happened to the BLOB handling in the meantime.

To be honest our users rarely use BLOBS since MOL, MRV, CXSMILES are the most popular data types

they can all go into CLOB rather than into BLOB. Test case will be added or repaired.



ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

05-03-2015 10:58:52

Hi Josh,


I have fixed the BLOB issue in the this week release, please check:

