
User fdb584f858

27-08-2014 13:37:02


I have a problem with the correct output of the ghose-filter function in JChem for Excel (Version:

For one of my substances (see attachment) the ghose-filter says "false" and calculate logP (1.96), MW (204.29), #atoms (26), molar refractivity (63.91) at the same time. Unless I'm very much mistaken it should be in fact a drug-like molekule with these values.

Have you any idea?


Best regards,


ChemAxon a3dda216df

28-08-2014 09:02:39

Hi Armin,

We investigated this issue and it is reproducible with our latest build as well.

The reason is that by default heavy atom count is implemented in our Ghose calculation, which gives 14 in this case, and as a result your molecule fails in the filter.

We will fix this in the near future and use the total atom count in the Ghose filter calculation and let you know when the new version can be downloaded from our webpage.

Hope this helps, but let me know if you have further comments.



ChemAxon a3dda216df

05-09-2014 12:12:52

Hi Armin,

Lates version of JChem for Excel (JChem for Office) has been released, which contains this fix, please download it from the website:

History of changes:

Please, let me know about your experiences with the new version.



User fdb584f858

18-09-2014 12:27:52

Hi Anna, thank you very much!

The ghose-filter in the new version works correct!


Best regards,
