JCCalculation 'restarts' after Excel window is moved/resized

User fca09bdbff

30-07-2014 09:56:44


I'm running a SMARTS substructure search in JChem in Excel using a matchCount formula.

When I calculate the result for multiple rows, the progress is shown as "Calculating: (4 processor(s)): 0-100%".

If one switches to another open Windows program and back to Excel, or if the Excel window is resized or moved, the calculation appears to start again at 0%. 

Is it starting again from the first row, or just from where it had reached before?

Why does the calculation processing continue even after all the rows have been processed?

Thanks and regards,

Tim Ritchie.

ChemAxon 2e7d8629fa

05-08-2014 21:20:03

 Dear Tim,


Which version of JChemExcel do you use?

Could you explain more specific the workflow what you use? What is the exact method what you use? Is it the function called 'JCSubstructureMatchCount'? Could you send us a workbook (XLSX file) what we can reproduce the problem with, please?


You can download our latest release 14.8.400 from here:



Best regards,


User fca09bdbff

06-08-2014 06:22:18


I am using version

I have attached an example spreadsheet using the query =INT(JCChemicalTerms(A2,"matchCount('ccc')")).

Whilst the calculation is running, if one resizes the Excel window or scrolls down the spreadsheet, I think the calculation starts again from where it got to, rather than the beginning.

Regards, Tim.

ChemAxon 2e7d8629fa

06-08-2014 06:58:46

 Hi Tim,


Thank you for the response. We are going to investigate this issue.




ChemAxon 2e7d8629fa

06-08-2014 09:53:07

 Hi Tim,


Could you describe your environment (operating system, Office version, regional settings), please? E.g. Win7 Pro 64-bit ENG with SP1, Office 2010 Pro 64-bit ENG and the selected language on the machine is en-US.


Thank you,


User fca09bdbff

06-08-2014 10:34:18

The OS is Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64-bit; Office/Excel 2007; Language = UK English; Region = UK.

ChemAxon 2e7d8629fa

07-08-2014 09:00:50

 Hi Tim,


As I can see MS Excel forces the recalculation in your demo workbook. After the workbook opening Excel loads the saved values into the column B and also starts the recalculation of each cells. When you e.g. scroll down on the sheet the calculation stops a while then starts again from the last processed formula. Excel starts recalculation for the remaining formulas again and again while it is finished for all of the cells. After every values are recalculated in column B the recalculation process won't be started again (as I could observe it).

I think we cannot do anything for making it faster or bypass the recalculation. Excel needs the actual values and calls our JCChemicalTerms function.


Best regards,
