A catastrophic failure has occured on JCFunctions.xla ...

User f6549195f0

22-08-2013 06:00:59

I have installed Jchem for excel and gotten JCFunctions.xla and the license.
I think the folder where these files exist is correct, and I have
checked how to use Add-in on excel
but I can't use it.

When I was installing, an alarm message appeared as below.
'System.ArgumentException : character string value isn't allowed zero '

and when I opened xla file, an error message appeared as below.
'A catastrophic failure has occured'

Could you please teach me what I should do?

I use 32bit windows, office 2007.

Kind regards,

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-08-2013 06:53:17

Hi Yu,

this is possibly an installer issue in the latest 6.0 version.


Please check the following things:



User f6549195f0

22-08-2013 07:41:25


thank you so much for your reply.

I have checked ProgramFiles/ChemAxon/JChem for Excel/Resources folder

but I can't find 'Basic' folder.

Further  at Documents and settings/User name, I can't find any folders related Jchem...

ChemAxon 4375c6431d

22-08-2013 09:24:50

Hi Yu,

Please unzip the attached file into your:

"[Your user home]\AppData\Roaming\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel" directory.


Kind regards,


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-08-2013 12:14:30

Hi Yu,


maybe better if you copy it to the original place where it should have been:

ProgramFiles/ChemAxon/JChem for Excel/Resources


Because if want to have another user logged in the same machine from Program Files the addin will copy across this Basic to the USer home automatically. What Miki wrote was also correct but it means a solution only for 1 user.



User f6549195f0

23-08-2013 03:14:37

Miklós and Viktor,

Thank you for your replies.


I have downloaded and unzipped Basic.zip to the place :ProgramFiles/ChemAxon/JChem for Excel/Resources

Then I reopend excel but the error message (A catastrophic failure has occured on  JCFunctions.xla) has still appeared.


The places where these files are is probably incorrect.

JCFunctions.xla is in this place :  ProgramFiles/ChemAxon/JChem for Excel

(ProgramFiles/MicrosoftOffice/Office12/ADDINS as well)

license.cxl is in this place : ProgramFiles/ChemAxon


Is that wrong? I am sorry for many troubles.

Kind regard,


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-08-2013 05:58:42

Have you unzipped the package?

Please Unzip the package to your user home as Miklos suggested.

User f6549195f0

23-08-2013 06:22:53

Finally it has been activated..!

Sorry, and thank you very much for your kindnesses.

Kind regards,


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-08-2013 06:30:45

We are sorry for the installer issue coming in the previous patch :(  we are about to fix it ASAP!

6.0.5 is coming soon without having this problem.

User f6549195f0

23-08-2013 07:51:13

That would be fine!

By the way I would like to use Japanese rebbon set.

Could you give me Japanese ver. please if possible?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-08-2013 07:56:39

Attached. Please copy it to your local home "[Your user home]\AppData\Roaming\ChemAxon\JChem for Excel" directory.


And rename it with removing the _Japanese postfix to get this : JChemExcelRibbon_Custom.xml


User f6549195f0

23-08-2013 08:13:49

Thank you for your quick response, Japanese ver. has run!

User f6549195f0

23-08-2013 13:04:56

Sorry for asking many times ;/

I tried to calculate pKa on a  file but there were some troubles.



When I import a file(c6-98.smiles), the name does not be imported to excel sheet.

How can I erase '#NAME?' and  show the name of file (c6-98)?




To calculate pKa I chose


What is 'Strength Index'?

I would like to calculate pKa on specific pH. Does not  'Strength Index' mean pH, does it?


ChemAxon a3dda216df

23-08-2013 13:29:41

Hi Yu,


When you import the attached file, the structure and smiles string is imported. If you would need the traditional name of this molecule, please insert JCTraditionalName function to a cell from JChem_Naming category.

You can read more in details about pKa calculation in our User's Guide, there are also useful links about the calculation process itself as well:



Please, find attached an example file.


Hope this helps,




User ba1cfea0f5

23-08-2013 20:07:19

I'm still trying to delete '#NAME 

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

23-08-2013 20:54:59

Can we get a workbook with #Name from any of you?



User f6549195f0

26-08-2013 23:57:43

I'm so sorry for the delay in my response and thank you for your helps.

I could not calculate some JChem functions on the file I attached.

ChemAxon a3dda216df

27-08-2013 14:12:24


Please, check the Admin's Guide's related topic, if you tried all these possibilities


In the next few days a new version will be released, maybe the best would be to uninstall your current version and re-install 6.0.5.


User f6549195f0

30-08-2013 05:52:15

Thanks a lot, I could delete '#NAME,

but stiill could not calculate pKa. What is strength index?

I want to calculate pKa in specific pH for many reagents.

Further I have realized  the license expired on 28/08/2013.

User f6549195f0

30-08-2013 06:42:23

Sorry I could calculate pKa with JCAcidicpKa function but how can I calculate pKa on specific pH..?

ChemAxon e08c317633

30-08-2013 06:52:46

You can't, pKa is not pH dependent.
Do you want to calculate the protonated form of a molecule (microspecies) on a specific pH? 

User f6549195f0

30-08-2013 08:28:30


I want to know the proportion of the protonated form of a molecule on a specific pH.

ChemAxon a3dda216df

02-09-2013 10:05:55


You can use the following functions with JCChemicalTerms function: microspecies, microspeciescount, microspeciesdistribution. (The description of these are here: http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/help/chemicalterms/EvaluatorFunctions.html#protonation_functions )

In JC4XL you have to open JCChemicalTerms function, this is how you can use it:

=JCChemicalTerms(D10;"microspecies('5')";0;"smiles"): returns the structures of specified microspecies (specified by index 0,1,2,3, etc.) on a given pH (5 in this case) in the specified format (in this case SMILES)

=JCChemicalTerms(D10;"microspeciesdistribution('5')";1): returns the percentage of specified microspecies (specified by index 0,1,2,3, etc.) on a given pH (5 in this case)

Hope this helps,


User f6549195f0

01-10-2013 07:32:32

Sorry, I'm still in trouble as I can't understand how I calculate pKa.

I just understand what those functions related microspecies are.

I have checked about JCChemical Terms. What is 'Expression' and 'ResultIndex'?


I recognize that I should  use some function related microspecies as a function argument in other function that calculate pKa.

but I don't know which function is available as I can't understand means of some function arguments.

(For example 'Expression' and 'ResultIndex' as abone, or 'StrengthIndex' as my previous question.)


I want to calculate pKa for a major microspecific form of some molecules on pH 7.4.


please help me...

best regards,,

ChemAxon a3dda216df

02-10-2013 09:45:31

Hi Yu1987,

Please find enclosed an example file with chemical terms functions for pKa calculations.

Expression means the chemical terms expression from the "Chemical Terms Reference Table".

ResultIndex and ResultFormat are for those cases when there can be more results, like tautomer calculations, and you can specify the order of the structure you would like to visualize with ResultIndex and specify the format (mol, mrv, etc) in which you would like to visualize.


User f6549195f0

02-10-2013 10:17:44

Thank you very much  for your kindness and attached file.

Does this formula :f(x)=JCChemicalTerms(A5;"molFormat(majorMs('7.4'), 'smiles')")

return 'the percentage of major microspecies on pH7.4'?


or Does it return pKA of major microspecies on pH7.4?

ChemAxon a3dda216df

02-10-2013 10:33:22

Yu1987 wrote:

Thank you very much  for your kindness and attached file.

Does this formula :f(x)=JCChemicalTerms(A5;"molFormat(majorMs('7.4'), 'smiles')")

return 'the percentage of major microspecies on pH7.4'?



or Does it return pKA of major microspecies on pH7.4?

This returns the structure of the major microspecies, not the percentage.

User f6549195f0

02-10-2013 12:23:20

In order to calculate pKa for a major microspecific form of some molecules on pH 7.4,


I should calculate f(x)=JCChemicalTerms(A5;"molFormat(majorMs('7.4'), 'smiles')") in some cell (ex. B5)

then, using this sturucture()


I should calculate f(x)=JCAcidicpKa(B5;1) in next cell(e.C6)


Is it correct?

ChemAxon a3dda216df

02-10-2013 14:38:08

Yes, it is.
